Locations & Directions
07530329934 KINNAIRD PSYCHOLOGY SERVICE - LARBERT kinnairdpsychologyservice@protonmail.com

Our Psychologists
Dr Shane Ford (BSc, DClinPsychol)
HCPC Registered (PYL34828)

During his Doctoral Training, Dr Ford took a five-year Specialist Psychological Practitioner route provided by the University of Edinburgh and National Education for Scotland (NES). This allowed him to complete the standard three year Doctoral course, in which he developed his core therapeutic skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), as well as train for a further two years, developing specialist skills in additional therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness, and Compassion-Focused Therapy.
Dr Ford has over 15 years experience working within the NHS, private practice and voluntary organisations. He has gained experience working with a variety of individuals, including those experiencing trauma, mild to severe mental health difficulties and has also worked alongside individuals with physical health conditions such as persistent pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia.
Dr Ford is currently focussing on helping individuals with mild to moderate mental health difficulties (such as anxiety, stress and depression). He also sees those who experience persistent physical health symptoms (such as pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia). The majority of his work is online so he can see clients from across the UK. If you are ready to look at your problem from a fresh perspective, Dr Ford can help you let go of what no longer works for you so you can return to a life that you value. Clients who work with Dr Ford often learn how to open up to life's challenges with confidence and flexibility.
He previously worked in Clinical Health Psychology and has worked alongside a variety of individuals with persistent physical health symptoms as well as emotional difficulties. He also facilitated the Pain Management Program (PMP) for NHS Forth Valley.
His roles within the NHS involved delivering a range of therapies within the Adult Psychological Therapies service on an individual basis to people with a variety of difficulties. He also works within a multi-disciplinary community mental health team, working jointly with a range of professionals (Psychiatrists, Nurses, Occupational Therapists) to help those with more complex mental health problems. He has worked in Clinical Health Psychology alongside a variety of individuals with persistent physical health symptoms as well as emotional difficulties. He also facilitated the Pain Management Program (PMP) for NHS Forth Valley.
Dr Ford sees clients for common emotional difficulties including:
Depression or low mood
Obsessions & compulsions
Sleep problems
Physical Health difficulties include:
Chronic (persistent) Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (formally known as ME)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS)
Supervision: Dr Ford has completed the National Education for Scotland (NES) Generic Supervision Skills training, NES Specialist Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Supervision training and the University of Edinburgh's supervision training for Doctoral level students. He has experience of supervising assistant psychologists, trainee Clinical Psychologists, and Clinical Associates in Applied Psychology (CAAP) therapists. He provides group supervision for counsellors and CAAPs. He is currently available to supervise.